- et GLOBE tegutseb Palupera põhikoolis aastast 2009 ja ikka jätkub klasside kaupa huvilisi õpilasi, kes ei tüdine igapäevastest ilmavaatlustest.
- et Palupera GLOBE on maailma 35 000 kooli mõõtmiste pingereas juba aastaid esimese 30-ne hulgas.
- et GLOBElased osalesid mitmel aastal õhu kvaliteedi ja tahmauuringutes ning said kinnitust, et naabruses olev loomalaut ei ohusta üldse meie keskkonda.
- et septembris 2017 toimus Palupera koolis kahepäevane üleriigilise õpilaste keskkonnaalaste uurimistööde konkursi lõppkonverents.
- et vaid aasta hiljem külastavad Palupera põhikooli USA saatkonna esindajad poliitikanõunik Brian Timm-Brock, majandusnõuniku kohusetäitja Barbara DeRose-Joynt, poliitika- ja majanduspoliitika osakonna intern Rebecca McHale. Külalisi tervitavad koolidirektor Svetlana Variku ja Elva vallavolikogu esimees Maano Koemets.
- et Maa päeva on GLOBElased ikka enda pidupäevaks pidanud ja lisaks teemakohastele sündmustele on kaetud peolaud.
- et Teadlaste Öö festivali sündmuste raames Paluperas on ka GLOBE päev olnud, kus tegevad GLOBElased juhendavad nooremaid koolikaaslasi.
- et aastaid on osaletud õpilaste keskkonnaalaste uurimistööde konkurssidel. 2020. aastal osales Marite Marielle Treiali ja Terle Tamme töö GLOBE IVSS konkursil USA-s.
- et 2020. aasta kevadest käib kaugtöö perioodil GLOBElastevaheline suhtlus Google Drive keskkonnas.
- et Palupera kooli õpetajatel jätkub mõistmist ja kannatlikkust ning kooli juhtkonnal toetust ja abi GLOBElaste tegevuse jätkamisel Paluperas.
Arvet Silk, GLOBE õpetaja
Wow-moments from Palupera GLOBE people
- GLOBE Palupera Basic School has been participating in the program since 2009, and there are still interested students year after year who are not tired of everyday weather observations.
- Palupera GLOBE has been among the top 30 among the world’s 35,000 GLOBE schools with their measurements for years.
- GLOBE students took part in air quality and soot investigations for several years and were reassured that the neighboring animal barn did not endanger our environment at all.
- In September 2017, Palupera School hosted a two-day national student research papers’ conference.
- Just a year later, Palupera Basic School was visited by representatives of the US Embassy – Political Adviser Brian Timm-Brock, Acting Economic Adviser Barbara DeRose-Joynt, Political and Economic Policy Intern Rebecca McHale. The guests were greeted by the school principal Svetlana Variku and the chairman of Elva municipality council Maano Koemets.
- The Earth Day is widely celebrated by the GLOBE community in Estonia, and in addition to thematic events, it has been celebrated with cake.
- As part of the events of the Researchers’ Night Festival in Palupera, there has also been a GLOBE day where active GLOBE students instruct younger schoolmates.
- For many years we have participated in student environmental research competitions, and in 2020 Marite Marielle Treial and Terle Tamm participated in the GLOBE IVSS competition in the USA with their paper.
- Since the spring of 2020, communication between GLOBE people has been in the Google Drive environment.
- That the teachers of the Palupera school have continuous understanding and patience, and the school management continues to support and assist the GLOBE students and teachers with their activities in Palupera.
Arvet Silk, GLOBE teacher