The 2010 CloudSat Europe Conference

In September 27-29, the 2010 CloudSat Europe Conference was taking place in Gymnasium Schlo ß  Neuhaus in Germany. In addition to organisers, the French and Estonian delegacies were taking part in it. There were 15 members in Estonian Delegacy: Tartu Kivilinna, Kilingi-Nõmme and Paide Gymnasiums, Muhu and Kääpa Basic Schools and people from Tartu University.

We listened to the speech of a scientist from Paderborn.

Globe trained educator, Matt Roger, talked about clouds and their influence on climate.

At workshops there were learned observing the CloudSet project, to take photos of clouds and make tests/experiments of genesis of clouds.

In their reports participants introduced the environmental activities at school, including the activity of CloudSet project. Everybody had the posters to make their reports complete.

The organiser, Anna Heyne Mudrich, and the other teachers introduced their school and the surroundings. They organized excursions to Paderborn and we also visited the biggest computer museum in the world.

Staying in families gave us the opportunity to practise foreign languages and see the local life.

Elli Altin

My trip to Germany went very well. I am glad that I said “Yes“ to my teacher’s invitation to visit Paderborn. The school was nice and people were affable. All the surroundings of the school were remarkable. The sea of bikes in front of the school was the most amazing thing for me. In Estonia we don’t have that kind of habit. We also visited Berlin and went sightseeing so now I know a lot more about Germany’s history. This journey took me into places where I never believed I could go.

Ott Eerik Pärtel

From the trip I got a lot of experience and knowledge. Also I found out that performing in front of the big audience isn´t as scary as I tought it is. I met interesting people. The trip was fun and educational.

Keili Paru

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